I believe that someone needs to hear this as much as I do. God loves you. Yes He really loves you. Do not be afraid, do not worry. In Him you are found royal. He is enthralled by your beauty. I hear His say;
"My child I really love you, You are mine. Your steps are ordered by me. I have a specific place of blessing prepared for you. I will not put you to shame. I know your needs and I promise to supply every one of your needs. I will direct you if you let me. For I have aligned the right opportunities for you and causing the right people to come along your path to help you get ahead. I constantly work behind the scenes on your behalf. Keep your heart open and an attitude of faith and expectancy. I walk with you even when you cannot feel me. I will never live you, you are mine. Let the things go and come to my arms where you are made whole, royal, where you'll find my love, my mercy, my grace and my special touch. My heart aches for you to know how much I love and care for you, I sent my son to die so that you might live. Do not walk around with the orphan spirit for you are mine. I have more than what you need, what I have the world cannot offer. My child I love you."
Just as God directed Elijah to his place of blessing,“Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there”(1 Kings 17:2–4, NIV) God is directing you, too.
A major key to keeping your heart in the right place is choosing peace and unity. The Bible says that when we live in unity, there He has commanded the blessing. And when your heart is in the place of blessing, the rest of your life will be in the place of blessing, too. Today, choose peace, choose obedience and choose the place of blessing.
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